Kovacs was raised in Fonthill, Ontario, Canada and resides there to this day. He studied electrical engineering for one year at college before concentrating on his bodybuilding pursuits.
In the latter half of the 1990s, Greg Kovacs was the largest pro bodybuilder. According to Muscle Insider, he had an off-season weight of 420 pounds and his arms measured over 25 inches, his chest 70 inches, and his legs 35 inches. Kovacs earned his IFBB Pro Card in 1996. In June 1997, he appeared on the cover of FLEX Magazine. His highest professional bodybuilding placing was 13th at the 2004 Arnold Classic.
On November 29, 2010, Kovacs was charged with extortion after a supplement store owner entered an Erin Mills bank to tell staff he was being extorted, and that a group of men had demanded he withdraw a large sum of money.